Saturday 9 April 2011

Well, no post yesterday - bad mummy! To be totally honest I just couldn't face it. I feel like crying now but I really couldn't be bothered yesterday, and the bad mood has put me into a downer today, I'm sure its some sort of cycle!

Yesterday there was a local blood donor session but as I couldn't give blood I roped a friend into doing it for me! I'm very proud of her, even though when they tested her iron was too low but to be honest it meant more to me that she would try! She has two lovely boys and she was the only one of my friends to actually man up and attempt it, so am feeling very let down that even though I have lots of "friends" not one of them would actually do something for me and help give back to a service that saved my life TWICE!!!

Anyway to positive things, we took the babies to the park and sat and played and Baby Bear had her first date with a boy! Very cute and they seemed to have a good old chinwag and it was nice to just be out of the house taking advantage of lovely weather! We stayed in the park for a few hours and got home around 5pm-ish. Daddy Panda was home early-ish (6.30pm) so he got lots of time with happy Baby Bear before bedtime.

Daddy Panda's Mum aka MIL had rung during the week to day she was planning a visit to Manchester without her husband and would she be able to come and see Baby Bear on Saturday or Sunday - I was over the moon! I wish MIL would come more often, I have no issues with her what so ever and really want her to feel like she's Baby Bears Grandma, not just a person she see's at birthdays and Christmas. Baby Bear is such a pleasant baby but it takes her a while to form true relationships with people, it took a long time for Grandad and her to get on but Grandad persevered and now it can be weeks until we see him but she knows its her Grandad! It's the same with my uncle, he was the first member of my family to arrive at hospital to see her when she was born and he tries to come round once a month if he can, I'm sure he'd be here every week if he could. I think this is why i just don't understand why MIL and BIL (Daddy Panda's brother) don't come round more often.

Baby Bear is growing fast and looks like her next target is to pull herself to standing - she's already half way there! She's currently eating her lunch, today its soft cheese on crackers and cucumber. I'm really struggling with new meal idea's for her, especially food's to take out and about with us! She point blank refuses puree' and jar food now and often its a struggle to get her to take yogurt off a spoon! She's so fiercely independent its hard to remember she's just 8 months old!

Tomorrow is an exciting day as my Mum's family are getting together for a pub lunch! Were hoping to re-jig Baby Bears schedule a little bit, she'll have breakfast and bottle as normal, but were hoping to move her after nap bottle to 12.30pm so she'd full until 2pm when were meeting for lunch, as even if she eats her normal lunch at home no one will get any peace at 2pm if she's not eating with us! I hope it works, she's such a grump when her routines messed with, she literally doesn't tolerate staying up even half an hour past bed time! After Emmerdale is very firmly bottle and bed time, and on the occasions we've been out to a wedding or at a friends for dinner she's a grizzly little thing the whole time were out and for the next few days afterwards! Am hoping by keeping the morning and bedtime routine the same she wont be too troublesome!

Today I attempted to find some friends to go to the park with, it turns out I have none! It is a Saturday after all and to be fair to them, most work Mon-Fri 9-5 so weekends especially sunny ones become family/partner time, which then leaves me with just Baby Bear for company as Daddy Panda doesn't often get a weekend day off let alone two in a row! Occasionally he has a Mon and Tues off which is good as we can go swimming and its not jam packed but does make me feel more isolated and very down in the dumps. I can tell myself the reality is I have lots of friends but some days its hard to feel the love. Hopefully though tomorrow will cheer me up as there'll be quite a bit of catching up to do with some family members and most haven't seen Baby Bear for a while so it'll be nice to show her off! Hopefully I might even feel proud of myself for doing such a good job with her or I might just still feel rubbish!

Well that's it, Baby Bear's finished her lunch now so I'm off to clean the carnage up and finish writing the shopping list - highlight of the day today is doing the tesco's shop! Oh how exciting!

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