Wednesday 6 April 2011

So the weather outside is delicious, but I still can't find my bank card! arghhhhh!

Baby Bear is in a very grumpy mood after her nap and has refused her lunch! Not like her in the slightest so hopefully its due to another tooth and nothing else. Poor Baby Bear's face is covered with a drool rash and to date we only have 2 teeth! She's currently sat playing with her amazing animals - toys that I love, but she's looking confused as to why their not making their usual noises - maybe I best turn them back on before a tantrum ensues!

Earlier Baby Bear had a go at standing up without Mummy Tiddles holding onto her! She did quite well, we did it last night and she stood holding onto Grandma's knee for about 10 minutes! Today she was holding onto her toy shelf, and she laughed the whole time, whilst doing the typical child thing of chucking all her toys out of their neat little homes!

This is how it looked before Christmas so as you can imagine it's even fuller now! She's certainly one spoilt little Bear! Were quite lucky that as we live with my Mum our bills are shared - something that hopefully will change soon as were on the council waiting list and hopefully if Daddy Panda gets a better paid job we might be able to go private - although I'm not holding my breath for that one. Baby Bear has very few "new" toys or in fact anything really. To date the brand new things we've bought for her are - cot mattress, pram, some storage things (small baskets to house socks mainly!) one or two toys, and then the feeding equipment although most bibs have been second hand too! Were lucky enough to have a local carboot.

We've picked pretty much everything up from here, or from other preloved websites. Its a case of needs must and at least I know that we have a place to then resell what Baby Bear grows out of.

Forgot to post this yesterday ops!

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