Monday 11 April 2011

I'm hoping that i can officially say "Today has been WONDERFUL!"

My mummy friend came round for lunch and a play date, her baby boy is just adorable! He's roughly 6 weeks younger than Baby Bear and gave his mum a bit of a shock when he came 4 weeks early! He's a lovely giggly little boy and its so nice to have boy about for Baby Bear to play with. Most of Baby Bears friends and similar aged family members are girls and as much as she loves all people, boys are definitely a favourite!

We had a lovely chilled out lunch the babies had their first "lunch date" and Baby Boy even met Daddy Panda, not bad going considering its the first time he's been to our house! Daddy Panda seemed quite taken with him especially as he got big smiles from him as well as Baby Bear! We walked on to the park after lunch and i realise just how lucky i am to have so much green space surrounding us considering how close to the town centre we are. Sadly the park was showing the effects of a sunny weekend, lots of litter and sadly a bit of fly tipping too! Someone abandoned a broken pushchair on one of the much used football pitches, soon after we passed a graffittied bench which had what must have been a stolen smashed up mobile phone! We had a big long walk chatting away and ended up at the swings! It was Baby Boy's first go in a swing and he acted all cool and chilled in it! Baby Bear giggled away to herself from the second she was put in her swing! We captured some lovely pictures of the two of them and it was so nice!

Daddy Panda finally heard about the job interview - He got it! YAY!!! It's working in an express stores bakery so means early starts -5.30am but it also means he's going to be home for EVERY bed time!!! We'll be able to establish a proper family routine and he gets Fridays and Saturdays off which to me is wonderful! We get one weekend day which means we can be a bit more like other families but with having the Friday off we still get the perks of going swimming when its not jam packed or going shopping and play centres when they're not heaving! Very excited about this and really hope it means life is finally going to get better!!!

I feel like my facebook page often reads like an episode of Jeremy Kyle! A relative who has a young baby has discovered her partner has stolen the babies money without her even knowing. Once again she's slagging him off on facebook and although he's not Mr perfect they're both parents and although young their both adults, they made a baby together and really need to stop being so stupid and childish and put the child they made together first! I know its not easy but my gosh if I can do it I'm sure they can!

Baby Bear has been very cute this evening and has practiced crawling a bit more, she ended the day belly flopped out on the living room floor, bib in one hand and falling asleep. Unbelievably cute, it was only 8.10pm which goes to show she literally cant go half an hour over her bedtime! Am so glad she has such a good routine and she tends to cope quite well with small changes to it during the day, I'm getting the feeling that soon we'll be able to drop the afternoon bottle but really want to encourage her to drink other fluids, yesterday she had a whole sippee cup of very watery juice, but today she's managed just under half - am thinking that's to do with it being much cooler today but despite constantly offering it her I don't know how else to encourage her to drink it!

A friend from my on line forum has ended up in hospital this week, due to an abscess in her boob! I feel so bad for her as she's been amazing through every stage and astounded me by going back to work not long after her daughters birth, I want so desperately for my mummy friends lives's to work out and for baby rearing to be easy for them as they all deserve it! Their babies are wonderful and I am immensely proud of them!

Well of too watch a bit of TV and then make dinner for when Daddy Panda gets home from work! Only 2 weeks until he starts his new job!

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