Thursday 7 April 2011

Good Morning!!!

Its grey and miserable outside today and it pretty much sums up both mine and Baby Bears mood! It's 10am and she's already tired! She woke earlier than normal but Grandma got her out of her cot and had some Granny Baby Bear time before waking me. I love that my mum does this as although its only an extra 10 minutes but I know so many others who don't get those 10 minutes so count myself very lucky!

Baby Bear played for a while down stairs and then at 8.30am her normal breakfast time she had breakfast, pineapple and pear yum yum! Baby Bear eats really well and isn't afraid of any new foods, theres been very few incidents of food dislike, the worst was banana but then when we started giving her the whole banana instead of mashing it or cutting it up she demolished the whole lot! She's a food beast! However this morning she decided that breakfast wasn't to her liking! Yesterday she ate 2 crumpets but I dont want her to get too consitpated - something thats been a constant battle with her along with reflux! It's so hard to find the right balance food wise. She ended up being offered a biscuit and then she ate a bit more of her fruit, I've found since her two teeth came threw she's all about the hard foods and as a result its all bread based foods that go down well.

Breakfast ended in a meltdown from Baby Bear but I was deterimined to do what needed doing. Baby Bear tends to have breakfast in her Pj's (a baby grow) and then after breakfast she has a full change and gets dressed for the day - even if like today we no actual plans that involve leaving the house. I took her nappy off and she's got quite bad nappy rash - well for her anyway she's normally got a peachy bum! So on went the ointment! I never truely realised how many lotions and potions i'd have to put on her on a daily basis!

Today Baby Bears had nappy rash ointment on her bum, and some on her neck which seems to get very chaffed, then vaseline on her face to help stop the drool rash getting worse! She's all greased up the poor little thing! She's finally given in and had a nap though! Wahooooo! She screamed threw getting dressed and has continuted to cry until finally falling asleep! Hope this nap is a half decent one, I find it really hard to cope when she's so grizzly!

Today is Thursday - that means new homes go up on the homefinder website so I've just been to have a look. Usually theres no homes in the multiple areas we want to move to. The area we want is apparently "desirable" and the average wait is 5 years! I love my Mum and am so greatful for her putting us up but its so hard knowing I'm not providing Baby Bears home. Logged on today and with the 3 bids I'm allowed to make i expected to find no homes anyway - errr no, theres 7 homes in my area! I am beyond fuming about it, I've not made any bids for a month because I refuse to move to the back of beyond and lose my gp, counsellor and psychatrist, and also move into an area I dont know, where I'd have no friends and where Baby Bear is more likely to be in a failing none catholic school! I've tried to phone the office to see if theres any other way I can make bids, as its so rare so many houses come up in this area!

In other news I found my bank card!!! wahooooo although i'm still in my pjs and dont plan on going out but might have to go on a wander if Baby Bear wakes up grumpy again! So with that I'm off to try and conquer the washing beast that's in my bedroom!

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