Wednesday 6 April 2011

So we went to see HOP, and what a disappointment! It was no where near as funny as other films the creators of this have also been behind. The best bit was proberly the mini minions before the film even started!

I lost my phone yesterday and normally thats not a problem, except a friend txt me yesterday asking if I could pick her daughter up from school, I could have but I didn't get the message until I found my phone in the evening! So annoyed at myself! I hate being a flakey friend and I hate losing things although its something that seems to happen more and more. I'm incredably forgetful and seem to be late alot of the time - coming from the queen of on time this is a big thing, and it's most defintely to do with the PTSD.

Baby Bear was well behaved at the cinema - she's not been since we went to see Tangled (a very good modern disney princess movie!). She fell asleep as we knew she would but at least there was no screaming fit! She's such a good baby! She's getting about now in a half crawl half bum shuffle type movement and if she see's something she wants she gets to it.

Daddy Panda thinks his interview went well and I really hope it did! It'd make a huge difference to our life, we'd be able to have a proper routine I'd be able to re-start my CBT as I'd have more childcare options for Baby Bear.

So far today we've had a few events, Baby Bear had her first taste of crumpet and demolished the lot! We headed out early on to Tesco's, I'm half way threw cleaning the cooker and am determined to get it perfect - so I went to buy a super strength degreaser and a value toothbrush - why do cookers have so many fiddly bits to clean?

On the way to Tesco's a magpie fell out of the sky right infront of us it hit the pavement with a horrid sounding plod and broke its neck! Obviously it died but it was such a shock and felt a bit like an omen! 2 seconds later it could have landed in Baby Bear's pram! Uck! I find it so strange that such deathly things are being illustrated to me in daily life! I dont know if it's just I notice it more or if horrid things seem to happen more when I'm around? But thats crazy Tiddles talking so am going to distract her with a cake and a bit of a play with Baby Bear!

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