Monday 27 June 2011

Why is it a crime?

Am so fed up of people asking "When are you going to have another?" and then looking at me with disgust when I say I wouldn't have another child! I don't share the nitty gritty with everyone especially not strangers making small talk with me, but why is it so socially unacceptable to only want one child?

I bumped into a neighbour the other day, who saw how crippled by spd I was, and knew I ended up back in hospital. We made small talk, spoke about Baby Bear and the fact her birthday is NEXT MONTH!! She asked when we'd have another and I replied with we wouldn't have another, I feel I'm armed with multiple reasons for this and here's just a few...
  1. Its not fair to bring another child into the world when we literally don't have space for them - and are still living with my Mum.
  2. Its certainly not fair to Baby Bear to have to risk her Mummy becoming crippled during pregnancy again,
  3. I would never risk my life again not now I know just how much I have to live for!
My neighbour then compared me to a fellow neighbour (who since moving to our street has had multiple police raids, her husband has beaten her, she's had twins, she's been driving a stolen car with her children in, her husband has grown drugs in the children's "playhouse" and he's dealt drugs from the property - thankfully he's now in prison after knocking over 25 people in a horrific hit and run and is being detained indefinitely) who is pregnant with her fifth child (she's the same age as me) and said "Ohh look at **** if she can do it you should", I was so angry, I do not want to be compared to people like her, yes I don't work but I already have childcare in place for when Baby Bear goes to school so I can return to work as soon as possible without having to worry about covering the school holidays, school pick ups and drops offs are covered by me and Daddy Panda, and we wont have to rely on benefits to fund our lifestyle! I didn't choose to have Baby Bear but now she's here I'd never jeopardise her quality of life by risking my own life!

I feel really angry as I get lots of questions and advice about having more children, but I'm just not interested! People seem to assume that because Baby Bear is such a good happy content baby that that should be enough for me to have more! Rather insensitively people don't seem to realise (people we know) that i could have been forced to have a hysterectomy - and what if i had, would they still be as tactless to suggest i have another baby then?

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